Church Service on Sundays 10:30-11:30

Keeping those in need in our prayers. Have compassion on those who suffer from any grief, health issues, or trouble, especially:

Joyce, Pat and Gary, Kathy, Ken Perea family, Jesse, Garry, Ron, Rhonda, Sandy and Robert, Valerie, John and Bob Rivord, Jim, Zane, Max and James, Katie Oliver Haas, Frieda, Ayden, Betty, Lena, Kathleen, Bruce and Lynette, Daniel Archuleta and family, Elizabeth Garcia and family, Reverend Susan, Linda, Fannie, Marcy and Jeff Northrop, Montie Spier, Roxanne and Rodney, Bob and Diane, CeeCee, Tina and David, Robert, Kenny Sallee, and Mary Alice.

New Camera System

St. Luke's has upgraded its online presence with a new camera system to enhance our Zoom services. Join us every Sunday at 10:30 AM for our Zoom service by clicking on this LINK:

Meeting ID: 973 214 3724

Passcode: 846745

Sound System Upgrade

Kenny is consistently enhancing our sound system to improve both its audio quality and functionality. The upgrades feature a new wireless microphone at each podium, the addition of an 8-channel powered mixer, and a docking and charging station for the microphones.

St. Luke's Ladies Group

The next meeting is January 15, 10:00

Activity will be a Prayer in color activity.

Ginny will make a template on a poster board, and Sandy will have plenty of colored pencils to do the activity. It was decided to do a finger food luncheon following. Each lady is to bring some finger food to share with the group of about 10 ladies.

Deacon Tom’s Retirement

Deacon Tom Bates marked his official retirement on December 15, 2024, culminating his dedicated service to our community with a heartfelt celebration. The congregation gathered to honor him with a catered luncheon, reflecting the warmth and fellowship that Deacon Tom fostered throughout his years of service. The highlight of the event was a beautiful cake and a unique gift from the St. Luke’s Ladies Group—a handcrafted mock stained glass picture of a cross, symbolizing his enduring faith and the impact of his spiritual leadership.

Deacon Tom has been an invaluable asset to our congregation, providing guidance, support, and an unwavering commitment to our community’s spiritual growth. His retirement is bittersweet for us all as we will deeply miss his presence, but we are grateful for the years of devotion and care he has contributed to our church family. As we bid him farewell from his official duties, we also celebrate the legacy he leaves behind—a legacy of kindness, service, and faith that will continue to inspire us all.

Emergency Contact Information

Our congregation is made up of people who have moved to Deming from other states. For some of us, this means that IF there is a medical emergency or other emergency (perhaps a fire or flood), would St Luke’s know who to contact out-of-state, i.e., son, daughter, etc.? If you are comfortable sharing this information with St Luke’s, please call Barbara. Your family information will be kept confidential and only used in an emergency.

Happy New Year, ya’ll! However, are you aware that we’re still in the church season of Christmas until Epiphany on January 6th? That means we can keep singing Christmas carols (though in Walmart, they’re already pushing Valentine’s Day), keep turning on our Christmas lights, and enjoy our festive decorations a little longer.

Epiphany, January 6th (12 days after Christmas), is the day we, in the Church, identify with the Magi, the wise men from the East who followed a bright star to the manger. They knew that star told of a special birth. And they came to worship this newborn baby named Jesus. When the Magi saw the baby Jesus, they had an epiphany. They recognized that Jesus was divine. Traditionally, we sing We Three Kings during this worship service. The liturgical color for this day is white.

The word “epiphany” also means having a sudden insight or intuitive understanding. The Magi certainly did! I would guess that at one time or another, each of us has had an epiphany experience, though we may not have thought about it that way.

Then, on January 7th, we’re back to the liturgical color of green. Though green is used from after Pentecost till Christ the King Sunday in November, green this early in the year symbolizes Jesus’ growth as we celebrate his adult baptism and, next month, His presentation as an infant in the Temple. This year, the Season after Epiphany is quite long. We won’t get to Ash Wednesday until the first Wednesday of March.

Though we’re in the midst of winter, the days will begin to get longer. Now, we can leave behind the pressure of holiday shopping, baking, and decorating for one more year and ease into this new year…a year full of possibilities for our St Luke’s Church family. May we continue to welcome with open arms all who come to our lovely little church and help each other grow in faith and fellowship.

May we all be blessed in many ways this year – Deacon Sandy

**Potluck — Sunday, January 5th**

Gathering to share food and stories is a joy; we look forward to enjoying these moments together!

Coffee and sweets are served all other Sundays after service, all in the fellowship hall.

Is your life affected by someone’s drinking? Your child, a parent, your spouse, or a friend.

Seeking Serenity AFG meetings are each Monday from 11:30 am-12:30 pm in

St Luke’s Episcopal Church parish hall, with an entrance on Spruce St., is located at 417 W. Spruce St, Deming.

For more information, please call 757-936-0285.

Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter HERE.

If you have any news to add to the newsletter, please email it to:

By the last Friday of the month.

The church's website is up and running. It is still a work in progress, and we will be adding to it and making improvements as we go. Please feel free to check it out at

Click on the image above to explore an inspiring Daily Devotion. Each morning, Kenny Sallee shares an uplifting and soul-stirring message to start your day. A new Daily Devotion is posted daily on St Luke’s Facebook Page and can also be read on St Luke’s website.

Click on the image above to discover the inspiring Verse of the Day. Every morning, Kenny Sallee delves into the meaning and insights of a new biblical verse. This Verse of the Day is posted daily on St Luke’s Facebook Page and is also available for reading on St Luke’s website.

Click on the image above to explore Kenny Sallee's daily Morning and Evening Prayers. Each day, Kenny carefully selects a scripture passage and crafts prayers that inspire and enrich the soul, tailored to enhance your morning and evening meditations. These prayers are posted twice daily on St Luke’s Facebook Page and can also be read on St Luke’s website.

Happy Birthday greetings to:

January 7 — Lynette Scarlora

January 22 — Pat Burmiester

January 31 — Diane Elwess

God's Blessings to you all!

Remember to follow us on our Facebook page at:

St.Luke’s Episcopal Church in Deming, NM

Also, our website @

Community Opportunities to Serve Others


Colores United: serves new immigrants, especially mothers with babies. They always need diaper sizes 5-6-7, baby bottles, diaper wipes, baby clothes, etc. Hygiene products and underwear sizes two and up. For $1, you can buy a baby bottle at Wal-Mart.

Silver Linings: help the unhoused with food, clothing, and other needs. They are next to the pink used book store at 212 S Copper St across from the post office.

SW New Mexico Learning Ctr (book store): help hungry college students away from home during the holidays while they are here in Deming during Thanksgiving week and from Dec 20th to right after New Year's Day. Take the following food items to the bookstore by Nov 9th -- boxed mac & cheese, hearty soups, cereals, canned chili/ canned meals, pasta and sauce, peanut butter & jelly, granola, or energy bars. OR invite a student to dinner.

AARP Tax Aides Needed: the Deming Sr Center is starting a FREE service to those 50 years and older, especially those who are low-income and need help submitting their state and federal taxes by April 15th, 2025. If you'd rather not be trained as a tax aide, you could be a greeter to direct people to the correct room or be a scheduler setting up appt times for those seeking this service. If interested, please call the Senior Center at 575-546-8823 and ask for Diane Rodriguez.


Send money to Episcopal Relief and Development to help those affected by fires, floods, and hurricanes. 100% of your donation goes to those in need. The website is, which will help those living in Riudoso and other NM towns affected by fires and floods. And those who have lost everything in NC due to floods caused by a hurricane.


