Church Service on Sundays 10:30-11:30
She brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger. — Luke 2:7, NKJV
Keeping those in need in our prayers. Have compassion on those who suffer from any grief, health issues, or trouble, especially:
Joyce, Pat and Gary, Kathy, Ken Perea family, Jesse, Garry, Ron, Rhonda, Sandy and Robert, Valerie, John and Bob Rivord, Jim, Zane, Max and James, Katie Oliver Haas, Frieda, Ayden, Betty, Lena, Kathleen, Bruce and Lynette, Daniel Archuleta and family, Elizabeth Garcia and family, Reverend Susan, Linda, Fannie, Marcy and Jeff Northrop, Montie Spier, Roxanne and Rodney, Bob and Diane, CeeCee, Tina and David, Robert, and Kenny Sallee.
New Camera System
A new camera system for St. Luke's online Zoom presence has been generously donated by Kenny Sallee. You can join St. Luke's Zoom service every Sunday at 10:30 AM by visiting this LINK:
Meeting ID: 973 214 3724
Passcode: 846745
Sound System Upgrade
Our sound system is currently being upgraded to enhance audio quality and functionality. The improvements include a new wireless microphone at each podium, a docking and charging station for the microphones, and an 8-channel powered mixer. Additionally, a wired omnidirectional boundary microphone is being proposed for the altar to improve the clarity of our priest's voice during communion. All of this equipment is being generously donated by Kenny Sallee.
St. Luke's Ladies Group
St. Luke’s Women’s Group's next meeting is Wednesday, December 18th, at 10:00 at St. Luke’s Parish. A cookie and ornament exchange will take place, as well as a meeting and discussion on the topic of the January meeting. Each person is to bring 10 plates or baggies of 6 cookies per plate for the cookie exchange. Also, 1 Christmas ornament for exchange. If you so choose to do so. November’s meeting was to fill the “24 Care Bags” for the needy, which were donated to TLC to distribute. One was given out at the church after services to someone who stopped in for help. A huge thank you to all who donated to this and put them together. This idea was so well received it was decided that we should make a few more bags to keep at the church on hand.
Canon Lee Visit
Canon Lee will be coming for a visit and leading our Church Service on Sunday, December 8th at 10:30. A potluck dinner will be held afterward in the Parish Hall honoring him. A Bishops Committee Meeting will follow the potluck dinner.
December Potluck Update
Our December Potluck has been rescheduled from December 1st to December 8th to accommodate Canon Lee's visit.
Emergency Contact Information
Our congregation is made up of people who have moved to Deming from other states. For some of us, this means that IF there is a medical emergency or other emergency (perhaps a fire or flood), would St Luke’s know who to contact out-of-state, i.e., son, daughter, etc.? If you are comfortable sharing this information with St Luke’s, please call Barbara. Your family information will be kept confidential and only used in an emergency.
As we now enter this season of Advent, a season of waiting and expectation, I can’t help thinking about my own seasons of waiting and expectation.
I knew what to expect with my second and third pregnancies, but not with the first one. Like Mary, I hadn’t been down this road before. Though I was waiting with expectation, I also had some worries and questions about what would happen. I was excited and worried all at the same time. That last month of waiting as my belly got bigger and bigger seemed to stretch on and on ever. And yet, the day of birth did come with great joy and a daughter.
This season of Advent can be so difficult to observe, with so many gift-buying ads assaulting us on TV, tablets, and cell phones. However, there are things we can do to help us observe this season of Advent. Use the handout you were given at church on the first Sunday of Advent, light a candle each of the four weeks using an Advent wreath (if you have one), and take a little time out from shopping, decorating, or baking to meditate on the coming of the Christ Child.
Did you know that each Sunday of Advent has a focus and theme? The first Sunday it is hope. Our hope is in Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, who humbled Himself to live among humans. Let’s look for hope around us this first week.
The second week’s theme is peace. Jesus often greeted people with, Peace be with you”. And we pass the Peace each Sunday during the worship service. It may feel to us that peace is hard to find in these troubled times, but the peace of the Lord is still here among us. It starts in our hearts. This second week, let’s sing, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”
In the third week, you’ll notice that the candle is pink for joy. The time of birthing is getting close. We’re filled with joy. Soon, we’ll see this tiny baby in a manger. Look for joy during this week… a hummingbird flitting by, a lovely sunset, etc.
We’re almost there! It’s the fourth week of Advent. The day is drawing near. It’s only days away now. The day that LOVE came down from heaven. A week to draw near to our loved ones by phoning them, writing to them, sending gifts, saying, “I love you.” This week, let’s pass on the love of God to others through our words and actions. This is the reason for the season. Rejoice!
I wish you a blessed Merry Christmas. Deacon Sandy
**Potluck — Sunday, December 8th**
Gathering to share food and stories is a joy; we look forward to enjoying these moments together!
Coffee and sweets are served all other Sundays after service, all in the fellowship hall.
Is your life affected by someone’s drinking? Your child, a parent, your spouse, or a friend.
Seeking Serenity AFG meetings are each Monday from 11:30 am-12:30 pm in
St Luke’s Episcopal Church parish hall, with an entrance on Spruce St., is located at 417 W. Spruce St, Deming.
For more information, please call 757-936-0285.
Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter HERE.
If you have any news to add to the newsletter, please email it to:
By the last Friday of the month.
The church's website is up and running. It is still a work in progress, and we will be adding to it and making improvements as we go. Please feel free to check it out at
Click on the image above to explore an inspiring Daily Devotion. Each morning, Kenny Sallee shares an uplifting and soul-stirring message to start your day. A new Daily Devotion is posted daily on St Luke’s Facebook Page and can also be read on St Luke’s website.
Click on the image above to discover the inspiring Verse of the Day. Every morning, Kenny Sallee delves into the meaning and insights of a new biblical verse. This Verse of the Day is posted daily on St Luke’s Facebook Page and is also available for reading on St Luke’s website.
Click on the image above to explore Kenny Sallee's daily Morning and Evening Prayers. Each day, Kenny carefully selects a scripture passage and crafts prayers that inspire and enrich the soul, tailored to enhance your morning and evening meditations. These prayers are posted twice daily on St Luke’s Facebook Page and can also be read on St Luke’s website.
Happy Birthday greetings to:
December 25 — Jesus of Nazareth
God's Blessings to you all!
Merry Christmas!
Remember to follow us on our Facebook page at:
St.Luke’s Episcopal Church in Deming, NM
Also, our website @
Community Opportunities to Serve Others
Colores United: serves new immigrants, especially mothers with babies. They always need diaper sizes 5-6-7, baby bottles, diaper wipes, baby clothes, etc. Hygiene products and underwear sizes two and up. For $1, you can buy a baby bottle at Wal-Mart.
Silver Linings: help the unhoused with food, clothing, and other needs. They are next to the pink used book store at 212 S Copper St across from the post office.
SW New Mexico Learning Ctr (book store): help hungry college students away from home during the holidays while they are here in Deming during Thanksgiving week and from Dec 20th to right after New Year's Day. Take the following food items to the bookstore by Nov 9th -- boxed mac & cheese, hearty soups, cereals, canned chili/ canned meals, pasta and sauce, peanut butter & jelly, granola, or energy bars. OR invite a student to dinner.
AARP Tax Aides Needed: the Deming Sr Center is starting a FREE service to those 50 years and older, especially those who are low-income and need help submitting their state and federal taxes by April 15th, 2025. If you'd rather not be trained as a tax aide, you could be a greeter to direct people to the correct room or be a scheduler setting up appt times for those seeking this service. If interested, please call the Senior Center at 575-546-8823 and ask for Diane Rodriguez.
Send money to Episcopal Relief and Development to help those affected by fires, floods, and hurricanes. 100% of your donation goes to those in need. The website is, which will help those living in Riudoso and other NM towns affected by fires and floods. And those who have lost everything in NC due to floods caused by a hurricane.