Church Service on Sundays 10:30-11:30
Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
Father God, in this month of February, we ask for Your strength to persevere in all that we do. Whether faced with challenges or opportunities, may we approach them with courage, wisdom, and reliance on Your grace.
We pray for resilience in our faith, our work, and our daily lives. Help us keep our eyes fixed on You, stand firm in Your promises, and move forward with hope and confidence.
Keeping those in need in our prayers. Have compassion on those who suffer from any grief, health issues, or trouble, especially:
Joyce, Pat and Gary, the Golan family, Kathy Slee, the Ken Perea family,
Jesse, John and Bob Rivord, Jim. Katie Oliver Haas, Freida, Ayden, Betty,
Lena, Bruce and Lynette, Danny Archuleta and family, Elizabeth Garcia and
family, Linda, Fannie, Marcy and Jeff Northup, Roxanne, Diane
and Bob, CeeCee, Tina and David, Zane, Max and James, Luisa and Bob, Martha
and family, Larry Clark, Sharon, Quincy, Elizabeth English, Holly Tawcrest and Kenny Sallee.
We pray for Peace in the Middle East and for all military personnel serving
here and overseas. We pray for all the families and workers affected by the
fires in California. We pray for all who are struggling, not working, and
have unjustly suffered.
New Camera System
St. Luke's has upgraded its online presence with a new camera system to enhance our Zoom services. Join us every Sunday at 10:30 AM for our Zoom service by clicking on this LINK:
Meeting ID: 973 214 3724
Passcode: 846745
St. Luke's Ladies Group
The next meeting is February 12th, 10:00
Activity will be making Valentines for the elderly in the Nursing home.
We may or may not be able to visit them as well. Ladies are to bring any arts and crafts material they may have lying around at home to create the Valentines. Ginny will make labels for the back of the Valentine with the church service info and bring assorted envelopes.
Other Church Business
The annual meeting will be on Sunday, February 2, after the potluck lunch.
Bishops Committee meeting Sunday, February 16th, after coffee/sweets.
Bishops Committee meeting with the Bishop Saturday 22nd time to be announced.
Sunday Worship Service with Bishop Hunn on Sunday, February 23, at 10:30.
Emergency Contact Information
Our congregation is made up of people who have moved to Deming from other states. For some of us, this means that IF there is a medical emergency or other emergency (perhaps a fire or flood), would St Luke’s know who to contact out-of-state, i.e., son, daughter, etc.? If you are comfortable sharing this information with St Luke’s, please call Barbara. Your family information will be kept confidential and only used in an emergency.
Can you believe that the first month of this new year is already gone? We are now coming up on our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, February 2nd (and, of course, it’s also our monthly potluck). This is the time of the year that we hear and/or read the annual reports of the various ministries and activities going on at St Luke’s. It’s also the meeting where we learn about the financial health of our small church. This is all good news! Everyone’s voices and votes are important, so please attend.
This 1st Sunday of February, we celebrate The Presentation. Jesus’ parents present their baby in the temple. This is a time for their purification according to the law of Moses. Every 1st born son is considered holy and, therefore, shall be presented to the priest in the temple in Jerusalem. The parents are required to offer an animal sacrifice at this time. Because Mary and Joseph are poor, they are required to offer either two turtledoves or two pigeons. Who would think these days that messy, pesty pigeons would be suitable as an offering? But in Jesus' lifetime, they were.
The Holy Spirit had let Simeon, a devout, righteous man, know that he would see the Messiah before he died. On the day of Jesus’ presentation in the temple, Simeon was led by the Holy Spirit into the temple. Can you imagine Simeon’s excitement and awe when he saw Jesus? Simeon takes Jesus from his mother and, I’m guessing, lifts the baby Jesus in his arms as he praises God. God has kept his promise to Simeon. He is overjoyed.
In the temple was also an 84-year-old woman, a prophet. She had been widowed when she was quite young. After becoming a widow, she devoted herself to fasting and prayer in the temple. She even lived in the temple. Her name was Anna. Like Simeon, she too recognized Jesus as the Son of God, the Messiah, long foretold. Anna also praised God. The Holy Spirit would inspire her to speak to others about this special baby.
When we moved into our house in Deming, I discovered, on my living room wall above the fireplace, the following words, “Be still and know that I am God.” By being still and quieting our minds, we have a better chance to hear the “small still voice of God” as God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. Is the Holy Spirit leading you to do something different or new? Is the Spirit saying go talk to a certain person? Where is the Holy Spirit leading you, guiding you? Toward healing, helping, and sharing.
Each day I see the words above my fireplace and am reminded to listen for God’s small still voice and to be more and more aware for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. The Holy Spirit is alive and well in St Luke’s. Do you feel her?
Blessings a’plenty ya’ll — Deacon Sandy
**Potluck — Sunday, February 2nd**
Gathering to share food and stories is a joy; we look forward to enjoying these moments together!
Coffee and sweets are served all other Sundays after service, all in the fellowship hall.
Is your life affected by someone’s drinking? Your child, a parent, your spouse, or a friend.
Seeking Serenity AFG meetings are each Monday from 11:30 am-12:30 pm in
St Luke’s Episcopal Church parish hall, with an entrance on Spruce St., is located at 417 W. Spruce St, Deming.
For more information, please call 757-936-0285.
Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter HERE.
If you have any news to add to the newsletter, please email it to:
By the last Friday of the month.
The church's website is up and running. It is still a work in progress, and we will be adding to it and making improvements as we go. Please feel free to check it out at
Click on the image above to explore an inspiring Daily Devotion. Each morning, Kenny Sallee shares an uplifting and soul-stirring message to start your day. A new Daily Devotion is posted daily on St Luke’s Facebook Page and can also be read on St Luke’s website.
Click on the image above to discover the inspiring Verse of the Day. Every morning, Kenny Sallee delves into the meaning and insights of a new biblical verse. This Verse of the Day is posted daily on St Luke’s Facebook Page and is also available for reading on St Luke’s website.
Click on the image above to explore Kenny Sallee's daily Morning and Evening Prayers. Each day, Kenny carefully selects a scripture passage and crafts prayers that inspire and enrich the soul, tailored to enhance your morning and evening meditations. These prayers are posted twice daily on St Luke’s Facebook Page and can also be read on St Luke’s website.
Happy Birthday greetings to:
February 3 — Alden Elwess
February 26 — Art Dery
February 27 — Mary Alice Morgan
God's Blessings to you all!
Remember to follow us on our Facebook page at:
St.Luke’s Episcopal Church in Deming, NM
Also, our website @
Community Opportunities to Serve Others
Colores United: serves new immigrants, especially mothers with babies. They always need diaper sizes 5-6-7, baby bottles, diaper wipes, baby clothes, etc. Hygiene products and underwear sizes two and up. For $1, you can buy a baby bottle at Wal-Mart.
Silver Linings: help the unhoused with food, clothing, and other needs. They are next to the pink used book store at 212 S Copper St across from the post office.
SW New Mexico Learning Ctr (book store): help hungry college students away from home during the holidays while they are here in Deming during Thanksgiving week and from Dec 20th to right after New Year's Day. Take the following food items to the bookstore by Nov 9th -- boxed mac & cheese, hearty soups, cereals, canned chili/ canned meals, pasta and sauce, peanut butter & jelly, granola, or energy bars. OR invite a student to dinner.
AARP Tax Aides Needed: the Deming Sr Center is starting a FREE service to those 50 years and older, especially those who are low-income and need help submitting their state and federal taxes by April 15th, 2025. If you'd rather not be trained as a tax aide, you could be a greeter to direct people to the correct room or be a scheduler setting up appt times for those seeking this service. If interested, please call the Senior Center at 575-546-8823 and ask for Diane Rodriguez.
Send money to Episcopal Relief and Development to help those affected by fires, floods, and hurricanes. 100% of your donation goes to those in need. The website is, which will help those living in Riudoso and other NM towns affected by fires and floods. And those who have lost everything in NC due to floods caused by a hurricane.