Psalm 119:18

Verse of the Day

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Psalm 119:18

Open my eyes, so that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.


Psalm 119 is the longest psalm as well as the longest chapter in the Bible. It is an acrostic poem, each set of eight verses beginning with a letter from the Hebrew alphabet, and is a profound reflection on the beauty, perfection, and practical impact of God's law. Verse 18, nestled within this extensive meditation, is a prayer for enlightenment and understanding.


This verse is a heartfelt request for divine assistance in gaining spiritual insight. The psalmist recognizes that understanding God’s law is not merely an intellectual exercise; it requires spiritual illumination. The phrase "open my eyes" metaphorically suggests that there is more beneath the surface of the text, hidden treasures that are not visible to the natural eye. It implies a dependence on God to reveal the depth of His words.

Understanding Context

In the context of Psalm 119, the emphasis is consistently on the value and beauty of the Torah—the instructions, commandments, and teachings of God. The psalmist uses various terms for God's guidance interchangeably: laws, decrees, precepts, statutes, commands, ordinances, and word. Each highlights different aspects of God's communication and its role in guiding ethical and spiritual life. By asking God to "open my eyes," the psalmist is seeking a deeper experiential knowledge of these divine truths.

Application for Today

In contemporary terms, this verse reminds believers of the need for God’s intervention to gain true understanding and insight from Scripture. It encourages an attitude of humility and dependence on God when engaging with the Bible. This approach is essential not only for personal edification but also for applying its truths to everyday life. In a broader sense, this plea for insight can extend to all areas where wisdom is needed, prompting believers to seek divine guidance in decisions, relationships, and challenges.


Consider your approach to reading and understanding Scripture. Do you seek God’s help to uncover the depth and breadth of what you read? Are there areas in your life where you need more of God’s insight? Take a moment to pray Psalm 119:18, asking God to open your eyes to the wondrous things He wants to show you through His Word and His works in your life. Reflect on how recognizing God's hand in the details of your day can transform your perspective.

The Bible texts are from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bible, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Verse of the Day is a daily inspirational and encouraging Bible verse extracted from Commentary by Kenny Sallee, ThM.


Psalm 119:105


Psalm 119:143