John 10:14-15

Verse of the Day

Friday, December 6, 2024

John 10:14-15

I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep.


John 10:14-15 is part of the broader "Good Shepherd Discourse," where Jesus presents Himself as the Good Shepherd who intimately knows His sheep and willingly lays down His life for them. These verses encapsulate the essence of His sacrificial love and the depth of His relationship with those who follow Him. In these words, we find assurance of Christ’s care and a profound invitation to trust Him completely.


Jesus uses the metaphor of a shepherd, a familiar image to His audience, to describe His relationship with His followers. In ancient times, a good shepherd was known for their personal dedication to their sheep, often putting themselves in harm's way to protect the flock. Here, Jesus identifies Himself as not just any shepherd but the "Good Shepherd," emphasizing His unique role as the one who provides guidance, protection, and salvation.

The mutual knowledge between the shepherd and the sheep mirrors the intimate relationship between Jesus and His Father. This comparison underscores the depth of connection and unity Jesus shares with His followers, rooted in the divine relationship within the Trinity.

The second part of the passage—“I lay down my life for the sheep”—foreshadows His sacrificial death on the cross. Unlike a hired hand, who might abandon the flock in danger, Jesus willingly sacrifices Himself, demonstrating unparalleled love and commitment.

Understanding the Context

In the context of the Gospel of John, this passage contrasts Jesus' ministry with the self-serving leadership of religious authorities who acted more like hired hands than true shepherds. Jesus challenges His listeners to recognize Him as the one sent by the Father to provide eternal life. The statement also reflects the Messianic prophecy found in Ezekiel 34, where God promises to shepherd His people directly. By declaring Himself the Good Shepherd, Jesus fulfills this promise.

The relationship between Jesus and His followers is portrayed as one of profound intimacy and trust. His knowledge of His sheep is not superficial but deeply personal and loving, just as the relationship within the Trinity is characterized by perfect knowledge and love.

Application for Today

This passage invites us to reflect on our relationship with Christ. Do we recognize Him as our Good Shepherd, who knows us intimately and guides us lovingly? In a world where many voices compete for our attention, Jesus calls us to trust Him as the one who genuinely cares for our well-being.

Furthermore, the sacrificial love of Jesus sets a model for how we are called to live. Whether in family, community, or ministry, we are invited to emulate His selflessness and care for others, especially the vulnerable.

As we navigate life's uncertainties, we can find peace in the knowledge that we are not anonymous to God. He knows our struggles, fears, and hopes, and He is with us, providing guidance and strength.


Take a moment to imagine Jesus as the Good Shepherd, calling you by name. What does it feel like to be known so deeply and loved so completely? How might this understanding reshape how you view your daily challenges and relationships?

Spend time in prayer, thanking Jesus for His sacrifice and asking Him to help you trust His guidance more fully. Consider ways you can reflect His love to those around you, particularly to those who may feel lost or forgotten.

Closing Prayer

Good Shepherd, thank You for knowing me by name and for laying down Your life for me. Help me to trust Your leading and to reflect Your sacrificial love to others. Guide me to walk in faith, knowing that I am deeply loved and cared for. Amen.

The Bible texts are from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bible, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Verse of the Day is a daily inspirational and encouraging Bible verse extracted from Commentary by Kenny Sallee, ThM.


John 11:25


John 10:7, 9-10